Stubbs and Stallion make embroidered and printed team wear such as T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies and joggers for student clubs, societies and interest groups.  We are a small business with product design and marketing based in the UK and manufacturing based in Sialkot, the high quality manufacturing hub in Pakistan, where over 70% of the world’s footballs are made

The inspiration for Stubbs and Stallion was George Stubb’s magnificent painting of the stallion Whistlejacket, displayed in the National Gallery in London:  When our founder Katie was sitting at home with her Dad Tim discussing branding, they looked up to see a canvas reproduction on their wall and felt it conveyed the balance of energy and style they were seeking.  George Stubbs was born in 1724, and Stubbs and Stallion was born just 200 years later.

We planned to launch in September 2024, but Katie wanted to contribute to the Foundation set up in honour of her University friend and team-mate, Grace, who tragically lost her life to a brutal knife attack in Nottingham in June 2023.  So, for the inaugural Grace OMalley-Kumar Cup tournament in May 2024, we produced a limited edition run of T-Shirts with 100% of profits donated to the Foundation.  We will continue to contribute a share of profits to the Grace OMalley-Kumar Foundation in the years to come.

Throughout working on building The Grace O’Malley-Kumar Cup, Katie and Alex became good friends. Both wanting to ensure to give Grace a lasting legacy. And quickly the Stubbs and Stallion team grew to three.